Monday, October 05, 2009

How The SCGOP Has Made My Life a Living Hell the Past 24 Hours - Sort Of.

You might or might not have noticed that SC6 has been a bit quiet for the past day or two. Well, you should know by now that we usually have something to talk about at least once a day - even if it's to show you the rose bush in my backyard that I do nothing to feed, yet it blooms every year. Well, I got shut up last night and today but good - and I'd like to blame it on the SCGOP and Facebook - but I suppose it's my fault too..
Yes, I got hacked on Facebook by one of those virus-laden messages that the damn place is running rampant with worse than the Swine Flu.... The rule of thumb is "if you don't usually get a message from someone, then it's probably a virus'. Well, I wasn't quite paying attention when I got a message from the Political Director of the SCGOP this weekend, and I clicked it - and suddenly, the whole world changed, and turned black.
Within a minute, my laptop went all apeshit, I got more free Trojan's than Sex Education Day at reform school, and my Facebook page proceeded to send a viral link to all 500 of my buddies - TWICE !! I spent last night til 200AM logging onto every Facebook friend's page, and deleting the link, before I tried to change my password - which he had, along with my MySpace password - and $100 from my credit card.
I did my best to update all my friends that my link was tainted at least five times, but everyone already knew, and the 'Mike Has Facebook AIDS' made the rounds. Then, when it was obvious that even changing my password twice wasn't going to stop him, I got pissed off, and left a message on my page with an F-Bomb or two on it. A few of the more righteous mmebers of our party chastised me for the 'F', but my reply is this: If you want to play with the rattlesnake, he's gonna bite once in a while - the word 'Fuck' is going to pop out every now and then - just be glad the next word wasn't 'You'....
In addition to all this, I lost Blogger, and all my friends blogs til about 600PM - funny coincidence , but it's back now. I got a much better virus scan protection, although the battle of Good Vs. Evil on my laptop rages on.... But for now, I am off of Facebook. Yeah, I should have had a better virus package, so being a good Republican, I'll have to take the blame for not knowing better, and not being prepared. However, I will say this - Jay Ragley never gave me Facebook Herpes ......


  1. I just got a FB email from you with some link for a video. Given the fact it was a mass email to a whole bunch of Republicans and me...I played the something doesn't fit game and just deleted it. I am assuming this was a virus. If not, let me know.

  2. That's the virus. I've had to cancel my account to try and stop this crap from being distributed out. Absolutely delete it....

  3. I've been itching for about 24 hours now, and now I find out that you're the one to blame.

    Usually this is only something you get from some chick from Argentina.

  4. west_rhino12:01 PM

    Safe computing so far, but I am a snob about accepting Farcebook invitations... seems justified no this count, ditto a politically incorrect bubba that facebook deleted... doesn't pay to be pro Israel or pro Jewish, unless you're a "J Street" drone.

  5. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Where's teh hammer that goes with the SCGOP sickle in that new logo?

  6. Be careful out there
