Thursday, October 01, 2009

No Thanks Guys, I'll Just Keep Flying ...

Sully Turns Down the GOP's Request to Run, Goes Back to Flying
Congressman Sullenberger? As funny as it might sound, there was a possibility of it happening, according to an article in today. But that's what the GOP tried to do with Capt. Chesley 'Sully' Sullenberger. Probably the hardest feature a candidate has to overcome is the 'Wow Factor' - where a guy/gal is viewed as apolitical and has enough star power to not have to plaster their name all over the district. No doubt Capt Sully has it.
Sullenberger, whose adept crash landing into the Hudson River saved 155 passengers and crew, among them Florence resident Michael Nunn, who now works in the Florence County Sheriff's Office, is a native of Danville, California, where Democrat Jerry McNerney is currently serving his seconf term in Washington DC. So, members of the NRCC got in touch with Sully's people - and they got turned down pretty flatly.
Good for Sully, who went back to work in his Airbus A319 earlier this work to resume what he loves doing - flying. Let's face it, the US House is where talentless morons go. People like me. But Sully is a star, and more importantly, a regular guy who was just doing his job when the shit hit the fan. I could see him retiring some day, and maybe getting a high ranking job with the FAA or NTSB. But Congress? Please.....


  1. I wonder if they paid attention to those interviews he did and his visit to the Hill where he blasted the G for gutting the pilots' union.

  2. He was a fortunate pilot who had a lot of luck that day. Not that he is not good but what he did was good training and a lot of good luck. Do not try it at home.

  3. No doubt the GOP just looked at the fact that he is a hero, and a registered Republican...

  4. No doubt W, every good pilot will tell you that there is always some luck involved. I figure the birds taking out both engines was enough bad luck, so he was owed some good luck on the landing.

  5. I gotta go with W
