Friday, October 09, 2009

Obama Wins Ms. Congeniality ....

No Olympics, No Public Option, But The Nobel Peace Prize Should Cushion the Pain a Little Bit ....
Yeah, we're all a bit stunned - including Barack Obama himself - that the President won the Nobel Peace Prize today. Now, we all know how I feel abou awarding politicians for anything - uhh, it's their job. Particularly the peace prize, which I am positive you can find more deserving people to win it. But, in all fairness to Obama, he did not nominate himself, so I won't ride his ass on this one... Just like he wasn't spearheading the Olympic committee for Chicago, you don't give credit to people, nor blame, for things they don't control....
Now, you might be wondering just how this happened... I have one easy answer, and it's the answer to half of all success in life - TIMING. The deadline was February 1st - less than two weeks after Obama took office. America was still on a high of the 'Era of Good Feelings' - where people like me even had a shred of hope that maybe things in DC would turn around. Before Cap & Trade, before Universal Health Care, and a few other plans on the roadside that said to America 'Hard Left Turn Ahead - Proceed With Caution'....
Yeah, it was a real great time for the committee to slip Obama's name into the hat, although I'm not sure if they'd vote the same today. But, timing is everything in life. Maybe he'll use the monetary prize to balance the budget. Oh yeah, he'd need to win it literally a million times to do that....


  1. I have laughed all day at the people who are "upset, disgusted, insert other feeling here" on their Facebook status updates about this. Let's face it, Obama got this as an EFF YOU to George W. Bush and his neocon buddies. They had deteriorated the US in the eyes of so many around the world, that a guy who steps up and simply says, "Hey...can't we all just get along" qualifies as a Nobel Peace prize-worthy.

    Like I said on FB, instead of hating the playa, hate how low the bar has gotten in the game.

  2. This world is f----- up

  3. The bar must be dropping , P-Luv, because Rodney King said the same thing in a real violent situation, and he didn't get jack shit back in '92! ;)

  4. It's funny that Norway's legislature, which selects recipients, didn't mind America's cowboy rough-and-tumble approach to world affairs back in the days when it was occupied by Germany. But then again, this is the nation which gave us the term "Quisling", in honor of their national leader during World War II who set the standard for the ability to sell ones nation out to the enemy.

    While there's a lot an American president can accomplish, he has three years - or seven - left before we can really take stock of what he has contributed to the course of human affairs. Selecting someone whose accomplishments are so few demeans the value of this award, and is an insult to those who earned it through a lifetime of actual service to humanity.

  5. You tell them Earl
