Monday, October 12, 2009

Picture of the Day: Where I Spent My Best Days

This next series of photos I'm going to have for you will be a long one. So, if you don't like bech pictures, or marina shots, you're out of luck for a while here.... After 17 years, i finally made it back to the place where I sent some of the most fun times of my life - although I didn't realize it at the time...
Robert Moses Park is at the western most tip of Fire Island, a barrier island no more than 200 yards across at any point, separating Long Island from the Atlantic Ocean. Captree State Park is a fishing marina at the eastern most tip of Jones Beach island. The two parks are connected by the Inlet Bridge, shown in the picture above. This picture was taken at Captree Overlook, where a picnic area is set up. Once, the State Park Police and I found a guy in a van, with hundreds of child pornography pics on the walls, and a toaster oven... We never found out what the toaster was for, but I try not to delve into the mind of a pervert......
For seven summers, I toiled and slaved at Robert Moses and Captree State Parks. I started in 1986, making $4 an hour, and when I left in 1992, I was pulling in about $9 an hour - not bad for a college kid back then. I did it all: toll booths, garbage truck driver, field supervisor, dockmaster, you name it. Best of all, I spent all Summer hanging out with a zillion kids the same age as me - and we spent all Summer partying. Life was good.....


  1. Anonymous9:37 PM

    to heat the bagel up

  2. Anonymous9:36 AM

    To be 21 again with life open and in front of you...don't know if I would want to do that again...

  3. I would in a minute.. I screwed up in so many ways it's a no-brainer. I wouldn't have gone to Oswego and Taken Econ as a major. I would have gone to Plattsburgh, where I'd have an accounting degree now. And to every girl I was afraid to ask out, I'd tell them they were crazy not to - even if they weren't !
