It was a nice day to be a Yankee fan yesterday.... Just a few hours before the Bronx Bombers polished off the Minnesota Twins, their arch rivals from up I-95 got waxed by the Anaheim Angels 7-6 for a 3-0 sweep as well. No, I'm not one of those Red Sox-hating Yankee fans. I respect them a lot. Just like in politics, in sports, you need a good enemy. Although just like some Yankee fans, some Sox fans are major a-holes... To Tommy, Sully, Mike Kelly, Fitzy and the Coghlan brothers, I say adieu. Crack open another Sam Adams, and think about 2010....
Like any smart Yanks fan, I do go into the ALCS with some trepidation. Twice this decade, Anaheim has knocked the Yankees out of the playoff, in 2002, and 2005. Also, I don't expect any sympathy from peopleaorund the country when your playing a team that came back after the death of starting pitcher Nick Adenhart. Everyone will be rooting for the Halos... It should be a good series. No predictions - everytime I do, the Yanks lose.
In other sports news, my G-Men absolutely obliterated the Oakland Raiders 44-7, and it wasn't even that close. However, my weekend was dampened when Dusty Lombardi, my fantasy football team, had the stank kicked out of them, dropping us to 3-2. What can I say - their coach sucks...
Mike--this was one of those weekends where I didnt know if I should celebrate or cry. USC won a close one,Clemson didnt play-hooray! My Sox lost,the Braves had to stay home,guess I go back to my old Cali teams Go Angels..Go Dodgers! Guess the decider will be if the fish beat the wets,I mean jets tonight.I miss Don Shula and Dan Marino...teg