Tuesday, October 27, 2009

SC Legislators Stick to Business - Thank God

The news seems to be coming out faster than I can type it today... The Senate and House met today in Columbia, as promised, and although an attempted sidetrack occured, they stayed on course - for once - and passed an incentive package for Boeing to build an assembly line for it's 787 Dreamliner airplane.
Today was one of those rare occasions where Twitter and Facebook were nice tools as events unfolded. Thanks to Eric Bedingfield, Nikki Haley and Hugh Leatherman for updating those of us outside of the Vista today. According to Leatherman, the additions will give South Carolina another $750 million in capital investment and add 3800 jobs over the next seven years. The incentive package required a change to the state constitution to give $170 million in incentives to Boeing, and that required a 2/3 vote to approve by the Legislature, hence, today's special session. Nothing is official, of course. South Carolina is one of two finalists, the other being Washington State - home of Boeing, and site of a 787 Dreamliner assembly line already.
Still, some tried to jerk the steering wheel on today's proceedings, but Speaker Bobby Harrell ruled it out of order. Of course, if business gets done ahead of time, they could always try again. Patience guys .... Next January will be here before you know it.

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