Wednesday, October 21, 2009

We've Been Away, And Apparently So Have You

I'll be honest: I've kinda been dogging it the last few days. Somehow despite that, my ranking on Blg Net News actually went way up. I won't complain or ask why... There has been an odd thing that I did notice though. The traffic on BNN is down ..... way, way, way down. Especially the past week.
BNN usually gets about 250,000 hits on a good week - no, they're not all to my blog. I've even seen it top 300,000 a few times, but by the end of last week, it dropped to not even 200,000, and it's Wednesday, and they're only at 65,000. Clearly, we are in a blogging recession. It usually is the last sector of the economy to get hit, but it appears that things suck so much in politics and the economy that even half naked pictures of Kim Kardashian aren't bringing you to the blogosphere.....
I'll admit a trade secret - we bloggers only really a certain amount of 'good material' on a daily basis. Like a record, we have 2-3 'hit songs', and the rest is filler material. There have been some good blog posts out there this week, and no one is reading it. When that happens, I tend to pull back a bit, and wait for the audience to come back to the campfire, then tell my best stories....
Hopefully, this case of the BLAH-gospheres will end soon, and we'll all be back complaining and insulting each other again soon...


  1. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I believe Facebook is hurting the blogs.

  2. That could be. More outlets for news will dilute the pool. I know a few bloggers that use FB to drive traffic to their site, and I do it on occasion.

    However, this drop is very sudden, and very recent - like only the last week or two.

  3. Anonymous11:41 PM

    Hello. And Bye.
