Sunday, November 08, 2009

And Now... The Bad Community News

You May Want to Avoid Second Loop and Huntington Plaza For a While..
With the good, comes the bad. I got an e-mail from the City of Florence this week, and for those of you who live on the South Side of Flotown, it appears that Second Loop Rd in the Huntington Plaza area (Partridge Rd.) will be quite the clusterf**k for the forseeable future....
Like lots of areas in South Florence, whenever it rains, the entire neighborhood floods like a lake. So, to alleviate this, the City of Florence will be installing near a half-mile of 48-inch and 36-inch drainage piping to clear the water out. The work will require connection to the drainage system on Second Loop Rd - the major thoroughfare for people in South Florence to get to West Florence - so, there will be lane closings during a lot of the work. The project is expected to begin tomorrow. You have been forewarned ......
No, it's not convenient. But, improvements do need to be made on ocassion, so until April, it's going to be a bit of a mess, as some 'stacking' - as the city called it - will be a common sight. The project almost was canceled by City Council, when Ed Robinson complained that there was nothing in it for the residents of his district. Robinson later consented when the project manager promised to take any leftover or scrap piping, paint them, and dump them on Oakland Avenue, so the local kids have somehting to play with. Anything for the children !!!!!!


  1. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Mike--we need to get Earl over here to run this operation, otherwise 2nd Loop won't be completed until Wooden Head is a former mayor...teg
