South Carolina Waits For McMaster to Drop the Axe on Sanford ..
An update from 750 miles away on the Mark Sanford saga. This story has become your own. No one up here cares about it anymore. Like most things that catch our attention for 48 hours, it was all about the Sex.... Yeah, the Ethics Committee's 37 count allegation aganst Sanford made the paper up here - but it was on about page 25....
That being said, to political junkies in SC, it's still big news. I picture news crews staked out in front of Henry McMaster's home and office, waiting for any sign that he's made a decision to indict or not.... That is, they're staked out in between trips to WalMart to interview Black Friday customers. And it's for that reason that we say to McMaster, if you plan on dropping the bomb, do it today....
For years, anytime someone has to release contrversial news, they do it at about 4:00 PM Friday or later. When the House passed it's Health Care legislation, it was 11:00 PM Saturday. That gives you an idea of how bad that bill is... The last time I got fired, it was on a Thursday. I went back the next day, and firebombed the place. Next time, they'll know better. Yep, firings, divorces, bad quarterly financials - they all come out on Friday afternoon, so you'll be too busy and preoccupied to notice or care...
And this isn't just Friday, it's Black Friday! Everyone is so jazzed up with Christmas shopping and getting the ultimate parking spot at the mall, they'll never even notice. There will not be a better time, unless you notice on the calendar that Christmas and New Year's Day both fall on Friday this year too. I guess Henry does have time, although he probably already knows wat he is going to do. Friday is the day. Maybe today, maybe in 4 or 5 weeks, but who wants to work on Christmas Day? He could do it Christmas Eve, but I'd pass on a Thursday - Mark Sanford might burn his house down......
Details, details... H could only make a desision to seek an indictment, which would then depend on the grand jury and could well be delayed until after the primary. To consider the nominal edge it might give Andre to become the incumbent, do we have legislation that enables a special prosecutor, a la Kenneth Starr?