Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Not All 9/11 Trial Critics Are Republicans ....

Even a Blind Governor Can See That ..... Uhh ,Wait a Second

For all the partisanship that there seems to be in having the 9/11 Trial in New York, there are small signs - based on common sense - that having the trial in Lower Manhattan is not the best idea to come down the pike. Now, Mallomars - THAT was a good idea, but I digress....

Yep, the one Democrat dissenter appears to once again be New York Governor David Paterson. The man who seems to have his middle finger perpetually stuck up in Barack Obama's direction sided with most Republicans, and said that there are inherent dangers to innocent people by having the trial here. The more I see Paterson, the more I like him, which is bad for his career.

Paterson, who's ratings are still at or below the Mendoza Line, has been on a tear against winning a full term in 2010. First he called out Obama for asking him not to run. Then, he decided that balancing the budget by cutting spending, including - GASP !!! - education was needed. Now, he second guesses Eric Holder ??!!!!! The man has lost his political mind, but I'm loving every minute of it.....Very refreshing -like a Sprite!

As much fun as it is, this has to be the finest example of a guy willing to anything to get out of his job since........ well, since this: Hit 'Em , Lester !!


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