Monday, November 16, 2009

SC6 Gets a Glimpse of the Post 9/11 World at the DMV Today...

You Need a Passport to Get a State ID Card ?
If you live in New York, the answer is yes. That's what yours truly found out during his adventure this morning at the NYS DMV in Port Jefferson Station. Here's how it all started: I can't deposit my paychecks into my bank account, because my employer does not have direct deposit, and I can't wait the extra week for them to get mailed to SC, then clear. yes, these are the hurdles you have in life when you are broke......
I've been cashing them at the bank, but they want me to get a NY ID card. Fair enough.... So, after having to work last Monday - and almost again today - I went to the DMV office. It was there that I got another taste of how much New York has changed since 9/11. I wasn't surrendering my South Carolina drivers license, so to verify that you are not Al-Qaeda, you have to furnish either a passport or a birth certificate. Luckily, I did bring my passport with me, so I once again have to thank Celia for once again saving my butt. Two and a half years later, and the gift just keeps on giving....
You would think that having a Social Security card, a valid drivers license, and a dozen bills all at the address you're listing would be sufficient, but in this day, age and place, that doesn't cut it. It's understandable. After all, many of the hijackers had drivers licenses - and South Carolina doesn't exactly have the toughest security measures for issuing licenses ...... It's just another case to show how much the place has been changed since September 11th...


  1. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Well Mike,see what happens when you move back to where you grew up? Trust me I lived in Atlanta and love to visit but not even an engraved invitation from the Georgia Bar could get me move back to Atlanta (though a phone call Gov.Perdue and a position in his administration might help)...teg

  2. It's a little sad, though not totally unexpected... Thta's nothing compared to registering and inspecting a car up here..

  3. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Yeah, but they still let ya vote for a big D ticket with a death ceritficate or a green card...

  4. Not unless it has changed in the last little while but Texas, Virginia and Louisiana does not make you surrender your old license.
