Sunday, November 15, 2009

What to Get Bobby For Christmas ....

When the Weather Forecast for 5 Miles Away Isn't Close Enough ....
We all have that one friend who is addicted to weather watching. Me, I like to just look up at the sky and see if my knees hurt. That's usually accurate enough for me. Bobby is another animal. He is a weather junkie... He gets those weather alert texts. He drives TOWARDS the hurricanes when they clip the coast. If there's a Tropical Depression in the Caribbean, he'll spend hours following the computer models for possible tracks. He's nuts. But it's not just him - all Disc Jockeys or former DJ's are like that.....
For most of us, the local TV weather forecast is good enough. But, if you need to know what the weather is like at your house - aside from looking out the window - then a Home Weather Station may be the perfect thing for you....
At a cost of $2500-6000, it is not cheap, but guys blow more than that on Jet Skis and motorcycles, right? Apparently, lots of guys use these to track the weather at their vacation homes, and while they are at work. I GUESS it's useful in that way.... But, if being able to tell your wife or girlfriend that the barometric pressure just cracked 30 millibars, so she can go tan away on the back porch is what you're looking for in life, then this is the toy for you!


  1. if it just cracked 30 millibars, you are experiencing the worst storm ever known to mankind! and yeah, one of those would be good here. the readings are taken at Charleston AFB, 10 miles away....that's just too damn far!

  2. You would correct me ! I think I meant 30 inches, which is usually very sunny weather, isn't it?

  3. I believe 29.92 inches is the average barometric pressure at sea level. If you talk about millibars, I think it is 1000 at sea level. Hugo was 934 millibars.
