Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Why the Term 'Hate Crime' Is a Joke.

Yeah, If It Were Applied Equally, But .........
We like to bring out the absurdities in life here at SC6 a lot. Politically, it's easy. But, sometimes we find things in the justice system that make you just think 'WTF'. This brings us to one of our favorites - the Hate Crime.
Nevermind the redundancy of the term 'Hate Crime' itself. Uh, aren't all assaults or murders committed with a fair amount of hate anyway? I am a white male, and I understand the fact that the entire non-white male world thinks that I was given every advantage in life because of my skin color and the fact that I have a penis. I accept things like Affirmative Action to a degree, but when I hear about events like the one that happened this week, I wondered what the applicability of equal justice under law begins.. P-Luv ????????????????
I read a story about a couple in Wyandanch. I won't down the entire town here, but Flava Flav called The 'Danch home, and the only business around for decades was the KFC on Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. I think that describes it well enough. Anyway, this couple orders some food from a Chinese restaurant, and the delivery guy, who is Chinese, was sent around the back of the house, where he was knocked unconscious, thrown into his car, and basically kidnapped until he awoke and jumped out of the car while it was moving.
He got a concussion, but he's okay. The couple was arrested for assault, but my question is this: why weren't they arrested for a Hate Crime? These two knew that the delivery person would be Chinese, and more than likely an easy target. Does this not qualify as a Hate Crime, or is a Hate Crime only applied if the victim is a minority and the offender is white? Seriously, the day we bend the law to be more 'offensive' under special circumstances, we really screw up our theory of equal justice for all. Whether it's a crime against a minority , gays, children or the elderly, I don't understand the 'special circumstances' application to Hate Crimes.
I once had a fellow Student Senator say to us "I can't be racist, I'm black" , about 30 seconds after calling us racist. Yes, it WAS the stupidest thing I ever heard anyone utter, but it sounds on par with not applying hate crimes to minorities as well. Justice is blind, but it doesn't seem colorblind. I'm not trying to make too much of a stink about this, but it is pretty messed up. I'm off of my soapbox now.....

1 comment:

  1. The day you actually find equal protection under the law, please let me know where you find it.
