Monday, December 14, 2009

Cartoon of the Week - A Day Late !

We apologize for our tardiness. We usually post the cartoon of the week on Sunday, but sometimes even we have stuff to do. Yesterday was a family day, as we went to Joe's mom's for Steak Pizzaiola - YUM! Anyway, this week was definitely dominated by two topics - and thank God, Tiger Woods wasn't one of them! Nope, first was Barack Obama accepting his Nobel Peace prize - EGADS! But we already talked about that when he won it, so we're passing .......
Nope, we're going with a cartoon about the Global Warming e-mail tiff this week. Here's our position on Global Warming: do we think it exists? Sure, there is a definite uptick in the Earth's temperature, but we do think it's awfully arrogant of us to think that we can actually control our own environment. That being said, it's no excuse for us to willfully contaminate the planet with carbon emissions, and we should at least try to be as environmentally friendly as possible....
Lastly, do we think that there are scientists who hide/manipulate the information on Global Warming to suit their position? Hell Yeah, on both sides... These are guys who get billions in grants from agencies and citizens to prove a point scientifically. You think they're going to actually admit they're wrong? We do it in politics all the time, they do the same thing in Science.....

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