Tuesday, December 22, 2009

A Comeback For the Ages ...

The Malocchio - And Ahmad Bradshaw - Lead Dusty Lombardi To The Greatest Comeback In Fantasy Football History ???

Years from now, people will remember where they were, and what they were doing on this weekend. While little things like the War on Terror and Health Care Reform occupy our minds for a moment, big things took place this weekend....

Like what? Well, my fantasy football team overcame an unbelieveable deficit to beat Vader's Raiders 177.08-176.62 !! Yes, I won by the difference of 4 yards or one completion. All of this after I trailed by 75 points at about 500PM Sunday. I'm not sure if they keep records on this, but I'm sure it's the largest comeback I ever saw.....

So, how did I do it? Well, the obvious was a maonster game by Aaron Rodgers, capped by a 2 TD effort from Ahmad Bradshaw. The main contributor in my mind was the well-rested Malocchio that hadn't been used since Bobby regularly wore it out during the Steelers Super Bowl run last year. There is no substitute for the Evil Eye, and it was particularly satisfying to beat Vader's Raiders, since that is the nickname of my boss who canned me last week.... This week, it's another showdown against my arch friendemy, Dave , and his team Da Boilermakers. I'm 2-0 against them this year, but Dave always brings it, and it ain't easy beating a team 3 times - unless you're Jim Clyburn running against Gary McLeod.... Sorry, couldn't help it.


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