Sunday, December 27, 2009

Even Hawaii Is Suffering From Obama Fatigue..

With Scenery Like This, You Don't Need Help From the President ......... Or Do You ?

With most of the plundering done in Washington for the week. The Obama's went back to their home in Chicago, to enjoy the cold, wind and crappy Chicago Bears football.... Who are we kidding? They took Option B, as Vincent LaGuardia Gambini would say, and took off to the warmth and love of Hawaii - Mahalo, Obama !! Who could blame them? Chicago sucks, and the weather is worse. I wouldn't expect The Obama's to ever step foot in Illinois again - juts like the Clintons did to Arkansas. Now George Bush? You couldn't get him away from the ranch in Crawford.....

Anyway, the real story is how Hawaii was really hoping for a push from Barack Obama's election to juice up their sagging economy. Until they find a useful purpose for lava, all Hawaii has for it's economy is Pineapples, Macadamia Nuts and Tourism - and you thought South Carolina's economy was a one trick pony... Teh general rule of thumb is that when money gets tight, you cut out the 6,000 mile trip to Paradise, and stay home. Obviously, that has taken quite a hit to the Aloha State's bottom line....

Local tourism experts hoped that the cachet of being the birthplace to Obama would jack up the tourism bucks, but the truth is it hasn't.... Why? Because Barack Obama didn't live in a log cabin, chop down a cherry tree, or attend a prestigious boarding school. Nope, he lived in an apartment complex and went to an ordinary elementary school - just like you and me. Makes the 6000 mile trek to visit your idol's childhood home a bit less alluring, doesn't it?

Still, they are hoping for better things, and eventually they will come. After all, it IS Hawaii ... The folks in Chicago are hoping for the same thing, but don't expect much. Obama isn't all jazzed to go back, and even Oprah's skipping town. At least they still have Wrigley Field - HERE BATTER, HERE BATTER, SUH-WING BATTER !!!!!!!



  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Actually every Kenyan,and Hawaian knows the real birth place of Obama/Soetoro is in KENYA? thats where they have flocked to see the school named after him and granny Sara's home. That Obama/Soetoro has given the school that was renamed for Obama/Soetoro who paid for the the solar power for them.This will keep her silence and return her to the Muslim faith, her silence that she claims she and other family members were present at his birth in Provinical Coast Hospital in Mombassa,Kenya.With Obama/Soetoro having (2) brith place they are divided between the Hawaii,and the kenyan locations.

  2. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Mike--the Obama's return to Chicago when the Cub's win the World Series...
