Monday, December 28, 2009

Football Season's Over ....

Kicker Snafu Costs Dusty Lombardi a Shot at the Championship, Joins the Giants In Going Home ....

Football season is unofficially over. Oh sure, there are still plenty of games to play, but for us here at SC6, the year is over.... Not because the Tigers played yesterday, but because for intent and purposes, our season ended...... It's gonna be a long 8 months.

First off, our NY Giants showed about as much guts as a freshly cleaned catfish in getting thumped hardcore by the Carolina Panthers, 41-9. When you lose like that, you deserve to go home. At the same time, I was in the middle of my Fantasy Football Semi's with my arch-rival, Da Boilermakers. Two things sealed my fate: first the Green Bay Packers decided that it was more fun to run the ball down the Seattle Seahawks throats - and they did, scoring 5 rushing TD's, and letting Aaron Rodgers only toss one TD before pulling him. The other was my fault. I got cute and thought I would add a kicker since Green Bay was scoring so many TD'd, and not FG's. Well, Mason Crosby kicked two FG's, and six PAT's for 13 points, while Shayne Graham, who I just picked up for this week, only scored 5 pts. I lost by 6 points 130-124 .....

Yeah, the NY Jets might make the playoffs after yesterday's gift in Indy (BTW, thanks for benching Dallas Clark too..), but no one really likes the Jets... The black flag is out, and it's wait til next year. When I came back to Fantasy Football, I cockily called my team DustingOffMy Lombardi. This year, it became Dusty Lombardi. Now, having gone 3 seasons without a title, there is only one suitable name for next year ........ Rusty Lombardi ! Maybe Crusty Lombardi.


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