Thursday, December 17, 2009

Free Barbecue !!!!!

Florence County GOP Christmas Party Is Tomorrow !!!!
In case your dance card isn't full just yet, we have another party for you to attend. Our buds at the Florence GOP will be celebrating Christmas tomorrow night, December 18th, from 600-830PM at the Old Glory Cabin in Evergreen. Just go down Pamplico Hwy (aka Hwy 51 for those of you dependent on Tom-Tom's), and pass thru the Evergreen stoplight. Yes, there is only one light in Evergreen, and we like it that way.....
About an 1/8 mile past the light, you will see a church, and right after the church is Summer Hill Farm. Go down the path at Summer Hill, and right after it is a gravel path to the left, and it goes straight to Old Glory. Any questions? Call County Chair Joe Griffin at 843-992-1678. No, I will not be able to make it, but that's usually a good thing - I tend to get real huggy during these things, and the ladies need a break! I'll miss you guys.....


  1. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Mike--would you like for us to fix you up a plate and express mail it to you? If we did that something tells me Earl would follow the UPS truck to your front door!!...teg

  2. Earl and I are thinking about heading up to Long Island with or without the BBQ

  3. That would be a sight. Between you two and my buddy Joe up here, I don't think there's enough beer to supply it!

  4. Mike, we'd just be returning the favor. Besides, according to Tommy, if he sends BBQ up there, I'd have to go.
