Before you get on my shit, let me clarify. I like Christmas Season... I like the fact that at least for a few weeks, everyone tries to be nicer to each other. I like Winter, when it gets colder, and it feels more like Christmas. And I like that some people still actually try to remember why we celebrate Christmas. As for Christmas Day, you can keep it....
For most people, it's an annual celebration that you spend with friends and family. For me, it's an annual reminder of everything don't have, and why life sucks in general. The same goes for Thanksgiving, New Years Eve, Easter, and most other events. Birthdays are cool still - it's informal, and it's specifically for that one person. The rest blow.....
I'll tell you what I've been doing for the past 24 hours - sleeping. Yeah, I got up to hit the head, and I did have to run to the bank for a few minutes. Aside from that, I've been in a blah-induced ZZZ-fest. Have been for years. There's no one to buy stuff for - not that I could anyway. And it's pretty much a reminder of how life has passed me by. Sitting there with 20 couples and their kids,talking about the usual stuff gets kinda dull. I used to think that Christmas with Ben sucked, but at least it was someone else who was in the same boat. Now I understand why my sister spends all of her holidays with her gay buddies - at least they make her happy.....
Nope, right now, I'm in the midst of a decade-long Christmas famine... It'll end some day.
hey had a Christmas with us before. just remember you are still loved.