Tuesday, December 15, 2009

SC Blogger Sues Chinese Restaurant Over Incorrect Fortune Cookie Message ...

Hey, There's No Disclaimer, So ..........

Most people view the message inside of a fortune cookie to be pure entertainment, but a blogger in South Carolina is challenging the legal interpretation of the little piece of paper in court. Mike Reino, who's SC6 political blog is read by tens of readers every day, is suing the Wan Lo Chinese Restaurant in Bay Shore, New York for not following through on a 'promise' he found inside of a fortune cookie he got when he was nine years old.......

Reino, 41, is suing Wan Lo for breach of contract, because a message inside the cookie told him 'You will do great things in the future' - and he says that apparently was false. "It's 32 years later, and I haven't done Jack S**t, so obviously that cookie was a lie. Wan Lo is perpetrating a lie by telling their customers tha their futures are bright, when the opposite is probably true." When asked if a run for Congress and County Council might be considered a great accomplishment, Reino replied, "I didn't WIN, did I? Hell, anybody can run for office.." Lastly, when countered about the success of his blog, he tersely quipped, "Have you ever read SC6? It's dog poop! No one admits they read it - look at all the anonymous comments. C'mon - Cartoon of the Week and Fuzzy Thoughts ??!! What the hell am I talking about there??"

Noted Law Professor Alan Dershowitz was asked about the applicability of Reino's suit, and he responded, "Well, the lack of any type of disclaimer could possibly allow it to be regarded as a promissory note or guarantee. I'd suggest some type of 'For Entertainment Purposes Only' message on it to avoid this problem - but it mostly sounds like a guy who's pissed off because his life sucks....." Local law authority, P-Luv, was unavailable for comment at press time, due to a schedule conflict with a bottle of Ibiza Purple Haze...........

Of course, the real obstacle to Reino's lawsuit is that Wan Lo went out of business in 1982, yet he remains undaunted.... 'They're around somewhere, and I'll find 'em.... I don't care if I have to sue the dishwasher - I'll get mine eventually."



  1. Anonymous8:59 AM

    I just read this and can not believe that anyone would be this desperate for media attention...

    Of course "great things" is all relative and "in the future" is pretty open-ended too

    Perhaps, like in the movie Caddyshack, "...upon your deathbed, you will receive total consciousness..."

    I'd suggest keep your credibility wherever that currently might be, with the "great thing" you have with your blog and leave that poor/hard-working businessman alone

    just my $.02

  2. Perhaps I should have used my "SC6 Fake News" title, like I normally do when I write a joke blog post...

    No, Anon - i'm not suing anyone over anything.

  3. Anonymous9:33 AM

    good to hear... :)

  4. Of course, I never sue - although I would like an interpretation from P-Luv.

  5. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Mike--three words--statue of limitations. That will be $250 min. billing and why yes I will be happy to add this to your account!...teg

  6. Hey, get back to shaking down delinquent customers, Tom !!! ;)

  7. west_rhino1:33 PM

    Wasn't that fortune the one that said, "The chef spit in your food"

  8. I think we have a case. I'm sending in a demand of $300 million.

  9. Anonymous1:46 AM

    Keep posting stuff like this i really like it.
