Friday, December 04, 2009

The SC6 Candidate Music Series Continues With Brent Nelsen's Choice ...... Sort Of.

Supt. of Ed Candidate Really Does Listen to the Kids ...

Our Candidate Music Series really has been pretty successful. It all started at Joe Griffin's party when Ken Ard asked for a Bruce Springsteen video on the blog, and Bill Connor was there too, so I asked him for a choice as well. We've knocked out all of the Lt. Gov. candidates, and now we're working on the Superintendent of Education candidates. Kelly Payne picked James Taylor earlier this week, and today we turn our focus to Brent Nelsen....

I'll be honest- Brent was all over the place. He's listened to everything it seems, but i do suppose we all have over the years. So, I had to cut it down to the best story. I almost chose Aerosmith, becuase he said he dreamed of being Steven Tyler as a kid. Brent you should be glad you didn't - those lips just get in the way of everything..... So, we went the other route.

A good teacher always tries to understand his/her students' lives. Knowing their music is a good way. My dad liked Ted Nugent when I was a kid - seriously..... Brent mentioned a band that struck a chord that made me say 'This is The One'..... I had heard of The Shins, but didn't know any songs, so I picked them. So, this is sort of his choice ! The Shins have that Coldplay-Meets-REM-Meets-The Smiths vibe. This song is called 'Phantom Limb'....


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