Monday, December 14, 2009

The SC6 Candidate Music Series Continues With It's First Gubernatorial Candidate Choice !

State Senator Larry Grooms and Family ...

Today, we finally move onto the Big Boys - and lady! Our first candidate for Governor has chimed in with his favorite song request. Bonneau State Senator Larry Grooms, come on down !!! I chose this picture, because it represents his song choice very well - and becuase I've actually been in that room during my glory days running for Congress. Seems like a million years ago......

I know this is South Carolina, so Christian Music is huge. All the candidates seem to have a liking of it, so finding a nice little wrinkle to differentiate the candidates isnt so easy - but Larry's actually was. It seems that Larry has a 70-80' Corporate Rock streak in him. Like most people who grew up then, Grooms enjoys his Boston, Journey and other bands from that era. However, he mentioned a specific Chicago song that made the choice easy. "You're the Inspiration" was his and his wife Carol's favorite song when they first were together. How could I NOT play that one for him? Thanks to Larry for the nice story behnd it, and best of luck in the campaign. OK, all you other candidates ...... where are you?

I love the 80's clothes in this video..... Is that Madonna's sister ?!


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