Sunday, December 06, 2009

Shoe Tosser Gets a Taste of His Own Foot ..

Was That a Shoe or a Boomerang? What Goes Around, Comes Around ....
Karma certainly is a funny thing. This week Muntazer al-Zaidi - who we still fully expect to become the next President of Iraq - found himself on the other end of a shoe toss at a press conference in Paris. Al-Zaidi, who gained fame , along with 9 months in prison, last year by throwing his shoes at President Bush last year, got his own insult hurled at his general direction. The 'assailant' was a man describing himself as an exiled Iraqi journalist.
Tosser Number Two didn't exactly seem like he was very angry, laughing afterwards, but Al-Zaidi's brother chased him into the hallway, where he summarily - you guessed it ! - threw his shoes at the man !!!! For those keeping score, that makes three shoe tossers. I think we have found an Olympic sport that Iraq could dominate in ...... if you're interested, here's the ABC clip:

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