Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What's Wrong With Urban Meyer? We've Got a Pretty Good Idea...

"I WOULD Give You a Smoochie On the Cheek, Coach, But I'm Wearing My Helmet Right Now..."

OK, enough picking on Urban Meyer's Man Crush on Tim Tebow.... So, everyone is rocked by the Florida football coach's decision to quit - then not to quit - being the Gators Man in Charge. There's a lot of confusion, with Meyer's alleged chest pains after getting stomped by Alabama in the SEC Championship, and other references to health issues. So, what's wrong with Coach Meyer. My guess is that he's got the same thing I've had for years - and millions of others have.

What is it? Restless Leg Syndrome....No, just kidding. From what I've read, Urban Meyer's got a good old fashioned case of Anxiety Disorder. Is it a form of mental illness? Technically, I guess yes. Why else would a guy want to quit a multimillion dollar gig to reload a football program every year? While it's not a laughing matter, it's not as serious as it might sound....

What is Anxiety Disorder? It's when you unnecessarily get wound up over stress to the point where you think you're having a heart attack. I've had it for about 13 years on and off than I know of, although mine was more of a feeling that you can't breathe, rather than chest pains... It's pretty manageable through medication, depending on your doctor. I took Effexor for about 5 years, although the baby Xanax was way more effective - but my doctor worried that the 1/2 pill I took daily would get me addicted. Retard....

Rather than drugs, the smarter way to treat it is behavior modification. Meyer is going to have to learn to calm himself down, and realize it IS all in is head. Mine is also affected by minor physical problems, like my sinuses and allergies, which trigger the 'fight or flight' attack. Most importantly, he needs to change whatever is causing the problem. Of course, there are few gigs that are easier than Head Coach of a football team. Meyer's problem is that he is an overachiever, and he is obsessed with winning it all every year. Dude, you have 2 rings..... No one will hate you if don't win it all this year or next year. Maybe having Tim Tebow - who has his own little obsession with perfection - leave campus will be good. You want stress? Try listening to 30 idiot customers complain while answering 100 phone calls a day, and dealing with 10 technicians and three bosses all at the same time. That is stress....

Nope, Urb's gonna have to figure it out for himself. For me, it was getting away from the job I hated, but didn't realize it. For him, it will either be 1) going 10-3, and being considered one of the top coaches in America, 2) Quit coaching, or 3) Die. My guess is he'll try Door Number One ....... and enjoy life and coaching again.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Hey, just saw this post although it is old. I noticed you have anxiety and sinus/allergy issues. I had tons of anxiety and realized I had a water leak in my home. Apparently, there is growing scientific evidence linking bad indoor air quality with health problems, such as allergies, sinusitis, etc... Hope this helps.
