Thursday, December 24, 2009

When Your Head Is Crammed Up Nancy Pelosi's Pooper, Things Like This Are Bound to Happen ....

Come Visit the 1859 Railway Museum of Jamestown, California - Smack In the Middle of Jim Clyburn's District .... Wait a Second.

Just last week, I thought to myself that I hadn't picked on Jim Clyburn in a while. I thought about fabricating a story (maybe a Dora the Explorer spoof, where Jim is Swiper the Fox?), but I said to myself, 'Just wait - he'll do SOMETHING stupid'. I didn't have to wait long........

If you need any more proof that Congressmen and their staffers are idiots, check out the $100,000 mistake that was discovered this week. It seems that money that was supposed to go to the library in Jamestown, South Carolina, didn't quite make it. You see, due to 'technical errors', the money was accidentally allocated to Jamestown, California - just east of - YOU GUESSED IT! - San Francisco.... When the better part of your job includes being Nancy Pelosi's lackey, you might accidentally think that your home district is California, and not South Carolina.....



  1. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Mike--Jim Clyburn could not find his congressional district with google earth...

  2. Mike...Just wanted you to know we had the windows open Christmas Day. Sorry you couldn't be here to enjoy it.
    Our son lives in Jamestown and when Buck first heard this story on Fox, he called Jody. Not only did it go to the wrong town, but Jamestown, SC only asked for $50,000.

  3. Anonymous8:02 PM

    Has someone told Jimbo yet or does he still represent a San Fran diskrikt?

  4. Anonymous3:36 AM

    Nice post & nice blog. I love both.
