Sunday, January 24, 2010

Cartoon of the Week Winner.. In a Cakewalk !

Well, we all knew what the topic of the Cartoon of the Week would be, but I honestly didn't know in what context they would make it funny. This quite possibly could be the funniest political cartoon I have ever seen. Given Scott Brown's past willingness to shed his clothing, and it being Barack Obama's first anniversary in office, this one hit the points on all cylinders. Congrats to Pat Bagley of the Salt Lake Tribune for a truly great cartoon.....

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Mike-I have to wonder about his conservative credentials given his past. For Massachuetts he's a conservative for SC we wouldn't give him the time of day. Remember for Gov. Wm Weld was a the love the Republicans up north but his positions didn't sit well with the rest of the national GOP...teg
