Monday, January 11, 2010

Florence County Needs a Hero, But We'll Settle For a Little Sanity...

The day that I am viewed as a voice of reason among of a group of people, it tells you that things are getting a little crazy. I'll be honest. I have no idea what is going on in my home county, becasue I'm not there right now. All I can say is that my phone and facebook have been ringing off the hook all week before and since last Thursday's 'Emergency Meeting'. No, none died - or even got censured.
Since the change of leadership at the Florence County GOP last April, there has been a lot of turnover, and it seems a lot of cranky people. Anytime you have a major power shift, there are lots of people for whom chnage isn't fast enough, and unfortunately, people have agendas. I think that if you live in Charleston or Greenville or Columbia, you have a definite need for subgroups, because there is too much to do for any four or five elected party leaders. However, I think Florence County is splintering off into too many subgroups. The county party is iffy at best, and there is enough good work for everyone to do something. That is the main reason people wanted change - because the work was not delegated.
What I do know is that when a member of the State Party has to come to 'referee' a meeting, it's not a good thing. From what I've been told, the same 6-7 people who pushed the first battle last year are now battling each other. Here is my advice: fix yourselves first. If you can't work with people you supposedly were united with before, then what is another change going to do? All of you will be left in change of nothing, because you will drag the county party down, and SCGOP will kick all of your butts out. Count on it.... I often disagree with my superiors, in and out of politics. However, if the goal is the same, then find a way to get there - together. It's a statewide, congressional and senate race year - no one has time for petty bullshit. Get to work!

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