Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Focus People , FOCUS !!!!

Baker's Dozen In Lexington County Does the Mookie Routine On Senator Graham Last Night ......

No, we're not the first to comment on this, but we did get the play by play as it went on from a Twittering friend of ours on site as it happened. From all indications, our party hit a new low for lack of organization, with bad intentions in mind... For the first five years of my fulltime proccupation with things Republican, the term 'Censure' never even hit the radar. Now, it seems to be our only thought. The GOP's fascination with shitting on their own yard has hit full stride.....

We'll review here. First, the SCGOP Executive Committee censured Governor Sanford for his actions in June. We were fine with that, although some people with their own agendas seemed to want more. It should have ended there, with the work of 2010 as our focus. But, I suppose some of the Executive Committee members of the local counties are a bit too old to have seen 'The Karate Kid', or 'Do The Right Thing' back in the 80's, because their focus really sucks......

Some members obsession with making the GOP 'More Right' is getting ridiculous... Our favorite target here in South Carolina is Senator Lindsey Graham. Now, I've had my tiffs with our Senior Senator here and there - after all, I AM the guy who wrote 'Lindsay Graham Is Really Starting to Disappoint Me', a few years back... No doubt, there are some issues he has strayed from our view on lately. Cap & Trade is a terrible idea - one that may end up costing him his job in 2014. But censuring a US Senator, or anyone for that matter, is for conduct that is purposefully wreckless against the party or the office. Policy differences are NOT wreckless. Try all you want to justify it, but that's all you have.

Let's review recent censures here. Last month, Charleston County censured Graham. They have 104 Executive Committee members, and 50 showed up to unanimously vote against Lindsey. According to SCGOP bylaws, only 1/3 need to show to have quorum, which is a bit ridiculous. It should be half of the total seats. Anyway, 50 is close to half, and it was unanimous. As stupid as the censure was, give Chucktown credit for at least being organized and unified.. Then came last night................

In Lexington County, where they pride themselves on being 'the most Republican County in South Carolina', they attempted the same thing. Technically, they succeeded, but only 24 Exec Comm members showed. Of those 24, only 13 voted for censure, 7 voted against, and 4 abstained. With just one vote more half of the attendees, Lexington County had the balls to censure a US Senator - because they don't like him. A Baker's Dozen people in a county of probably 75,000 Republicans. Sounds like people overstepping their bounds to us.....

The bigger joke of all of this is that Lexington and Charleston Counties have much, much, MUCH more important work at hand. Hey Charleston, are you gonna help find a candidate for the 6th District, or are you gonna act like you don't have that seat forever? Nope, they're too busy trying to make the GOP 'Pure' of moderates. Rather than gear up for kicking the Democrats asses in November, they'd rather fight with their own party. That always end up well. Somewhere in Lexington, there are 24 people who probably aren't talking to each other now.....

So, what's with the Karate Kid and Do the Right Thing references? First, do like Mr. Miyagi said - FOCUS. Address the tasks at hand. Censuring Lindsey Graham is not a priority.... As for DTRT, remember the end of the movie. Mookie and his buddies trashed their neighborhood, and where did that get them? Absolutely nowhere - except now, they had nowhere to get pizza. Yes, I just equated Republicans with Spike Lee. Suck on that for a while.... I wrote a post once called 'The GOP: The Party That Eats It's Own". Too bad there was a sequel for it, although I doubt this will be the last....



  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Mike-I just heard from Senator Knotthead and co. they wanted to know when you were coming back to SC?...
