Thursday, January 07, 2010

If Only SC Were More Like NY ?? Welcome to the Biggest Jobs-Killing Scam Around.

Sometimes, I get the feeling that people in South Carolina wished that their state were more like places like New York, especially when it comes to things like Education and Public Services. Since I am up here, I like to caution those friends of mine in the Palmetto State to be careful what you wish for. As I've warned you previously, there are some people in government - particularly on the 'D' side - for whom IT is never enough. The 'IT' stands for taxes and fees.....

Don't believe me? Listen to the newest, biggest bullshit scam ever concocted, courtesy of your friends at the MTA, which stands for Metropolitan Transportation Authority - but it should stand for 'More Taxes, Asshole'..... The MTA is kinda like the PDRTA of New York City, New Jersey, Long Island and lower Upstate New York. They own the subways, trains and bridges. Unlike in South Carolina, where the roads and bridges are free - at least for now - you pay by the user system. Simply put, you ride a bus, train, subway or cross a bridge, you pay. You don't use it, you don't pay. Well, the MTA figured out a way to one-up that....Bigtime.

Welcome to the MTA Payroll Tax! Yes, it is just like it sounds. EVERY SINGLE EMPLOYER in the MTA served area now has to pay a percentage of their payroll in tax straight to the MTA. The way they figured it, a lot of people use the MTA, so rather than just get the money the hard way, why not just make everyone pay for it - whether your employees use the MTA or not. Personally, I know one person who rides the rails into the City to work. Everyone else drives to work, so they just got BILLIONS in extra revenue, without added service.... Fuck You very much..

This is a HUGE jobs killer, because it affects every employer right where it hurts - their bottom line. No pay raises for their current employees, and probably no additional hires because they just incurred a new expense. It's another example of the flawed thought that as long as the government is in the black, then the economy will turn around.... More importantly, it's just unfair to taxpayers.

For those of you who do think that taxes and fees are the way to go, the ante in Socialism has just been upped. Even the Federal Government only taxes gasoline for those use it for the highway fund - but this gives Team Obama something new to shoot for. Your turn, Comrade !!


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:34 AM

