I'm gonna step on a few toes here, so I preface my post here with a statement. In the Pee Dee, Dr. Neal Thigpen of Francis Marion University is the most well-respected political historian around. Whether it's Democrat or Republican, which is what party he's affiliated with, he is the person the local stations go to first for analysis. However, every once in a while, even Dr. T's tea leaves read more towards his opinion than how things really are....
Reading today's Morning News' Year in Review, which obviously listed Mark Sanford's affair as the top political story of 2009, they asked Neal for his analysis on the front runners to replace Sanford. "Thigpen said most voters will be looking for a candidate who puts them at ease, and is free from drama. Thigpen said that Attorney General Henry McMaster would be the likely choice for the Republican ticket, with Dr. Jim Rex leading the way on the Democratic side. ' Both are sort comforting political figures, they are people who I think, voters of the state would feel comfortable with, certainly after the Sanford embroglio..'
At first , I thought he said that Sanford had an affair with an Australian Pixie singer, but then I realized that was Natalie IMBRUGLIA.... After checking a dictionary, I understood. However, there are two words that one must always take into consideration here - 'I THINK' . It basically voids any facts from whatever you are saying. Here's what the facts are: there is a five-way race on the GOP side for Governor, and although McMaster has a slight edge in the polls, five months is a long time in politics, and we have NO IDEA who will win.
It's not the first time his gauge has been a tick off. In 2006, he talked about the flood of Republicans flocking to Tommy Moore, which ended up being about 12 people in Myrtle Beach . It's no secret that McMaster has good footing in the Pee Dee. His Mom was born in Flotown, and he'll be glad to let you know that. I'm not one of his supporters, he's a bit too socially conservative for me - so there's a snippet of honesty for you. I don't mean to be too critical here, but with that position of authority, there comes a need to call things like they are, not how you see it. He could be right, but the soup seems a bit muddy to be calling one candidate as the winner...
I was with McMaster two Sundays ago in Greeleyville. We have to many good candidates running for Governor.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Dr. Thigpen that Henry "Have you heard I'm runnin for Guvnah" McMaster will get the GOP nomination. And I could not be happier. McMaster is a joke. The only thing worse than his policies is his personal opinion/performance on specific legal issues/cases. He has wasted time and money on the "I Believe" nonsense, which even the LuvGuv knew was unconstitutional (although Sanford was too much of a coward to veto), he blamed the jury when he got his ass whipped here in the Pee Dee by Rick Hoefer (which is a cardinal sin for an atty in my book), he embarassed us again nationally with the Craig's List showboating, and his policy of not allowing his assistant AGs to drop CDVs is at best stupid and at worst a violation of the ethical standard prosecutors are supposed to be held of.
ReplyDeleteHaving agreed on McMaster with Dr. Thigpen, I disagree on Rex. Rex ain't getting the Democratic nod. Sheheen will be the Democratic nominee, at least if we have anything to do with it...
Plulaw I hate to be the one to break this to you but shemale Sheheen won't be the democrat nominee. It will come down to Rex and Ford. Ford will get the vast majority of the african vote and Rex will take the midlands and most importantly the upstate.
ReplyDeleteIf it is McMaster v Rex the SCGOP could be on its way to another election cycle domination (as it should be). Also without Obama at the top of the ticket the dems will be hard pressed to rally the freebie/handout base in SC.
In the meantime let the political silly season begin...teg
I smell a Purple Haze bet, TEG...
ReplyDeleteIt does not matter to me who the Democrats nominate. The GOP will win this one hands down.
ReplyDeleteWe'll see. It's always a tough row for us to hoe in SC. But there's a reason they have elections...