Saturday, January 30, 2010

It's The Return of Fuzzy Thoughts ....

Today, we're going to bring back one of our favorite recurring posts from the old days - Fuzzy Thoughts. Every once in a while, we run into a series of funny anecdotes that don't always merit a full blog post. So, rather than make up a slew of one sentence posts, we slap them all together into the non-sensical Fuzzy Thoughts. Our apologies to Jack Handey, as we clear out all the junk clogging up our brain.....
I see numerous Facebook reports of White Stuff falling in Flotown. One question: did it make it past lunchtime before it melted? I also read that it didn't snow on Lake Marion. Why not? Because it only snows in Clarendon County if Moye Graham says it's OK......... What is just me, or was Jim Clyburn literally handcuffed to Barack Obama before and after his State of the Union address? Hey Jim, do you have to taste test his food for him too???
Does anybody want Johnny Damon to play for them next year? He's too rich for the Yankees blood - they're sticking at $200 million in payroll (???!!!), and no else is biting yet...... I read this week that two Lotto winners were found dead this week. One was hit by a car in Ohio, another found buried under a 30 by 30 foot concrete slab in Florida. I just threw out my Mega Millions ticket - I don't want to know.....
A funny thing happened today. My 2005 Toyota Avalon's gas pedal worked properly, as it has for the past 6 years. Maybe it's because I know where the floor mat goes.......Speaking of the car, I had one of those 'why is air 75 cents' moments at the gas station today. When you work at a car dealership for nine years, the air IS free..... Lastly, on Facebook yesterday, I got one of those friend requests for .............. Nicolas Cage. Normally, I'd jump at the chance to be buds with Snake Eyes, but after hearing about his financial problems, I passed - I just can't afford it.......


  1. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Mike--find that ticket and mail it to me, with the luck I had for the last 10 got friended by Nicholas Cage and you turned it down? So much for improving his entourage...finally Jimbo is attached to Obama but I don't think he's the food taster...his fluffer maybe but not his food taster...teg

  2. TEG did you get snow or not.
