Friday, January 01, 2010

The Party of Education ?

Instead of An Apple, You Might Want to Give Your Teacher Cash, Because He/She Just Got Screwed By Congress .....
Here's an example of how you can spin just about anything to make someone look bad..... The Democrats are always considered to be the Party of Education, right? What, with the NEA in their back pocket (or vice versa to be more correct), you'd think that to be the case. Well, and article in Forbes Magazine shows you that in this Democrat-controlled Congress, there are no tax increases that they don't like - even if it hurts Education..
Specifically, there are about 50 - YES, FIFTY - tax cuts that expired on December 31st, 2009. Among them are the AMT patch that now throws 19 million Middle Income Americans ( usually those HIGHER than what a Congressman makes, convenient) into much higher tax brackets, and also they failed to revamp Estate Taxes as well, but for this post, we're going to focus on that most sacred of cows, Big Ed...
Some of you may not be aware of it, but you get a $4000 higher education tax credit for paying for your kid's college education - or more correctly, you USED to, because that is gone now. If you want an open ear to complain to, don't go to your kid's teacher to gripe, because they just lost a tax credit of $250 for purchasing their own supplies. Don't be surprised to see a donation cup on your teacher's desk wehn the kids go back to class on Monday.....
Of course, Congressional leaders are saying that they will fix all of this when they come back later this year - RIIIIIIIIIIGHT! I believe them, because they've done such a good job of doing the right thing up to this point so far, especially when it comes to taxes. With the ability to steamroll anything they want thru Capitol Hill right now, this is a problem that falls squarely on the laps of the Democratic Party. I have to ask them - How could you do this to the kids???? I mean, IT'S THE KIDS !!!! Ahhh, it fells good to blow out a nice, partisan post !


  1. west_rhino11:18 AM

    Teachers Union, however remains obdurately infatuated with the "Big D" ticket, though, inferred from your post, they ought to have at least been kissed. They ought to have some romance when being cornholed by Barney Frank's peerage on the Hill.

  2. Nice to see you taking the opportunity to use "Barney Frank" and 'Cornhole' in the same sentence whenever possible, Rhino !!
