Friday, January 08, 2010

Peace & Love , Friends .....

Every once in a while, we need to tell our friends, family, and even our 'enemies' that we love them and we miss them. Things are getting better pretty quickly here - at least for now - but I do miss all my buds back home. Being 750 miles away will do that to you... I'm usually the type of person that when I'm out of sight, I'm out of mind.
Luckily, I have lots of people back in SC that won't let that happen. I was worried that Ms. X was falling out of the loop, but after a bit of a lapse, she got back in touch. It doesn't seem like much, but you always want to hear that the people you care about are okay. It matters. It puts you at ease... After getting that good word, I was in the car, and I heard this song, and it made me thing of my little hippie chick.
I picked it out for her, but we'll use it for everybody: a little hope for peace, happiness, a little civility amongst each other - and love. I love all of you guys, and I miss you too.... What better way to say it than a song written by a Hassidic Jew Reggae-Rapper?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mike...we miss you too. When you can dig out of that "tundra", come on down. I hear the "Q" is hot and the beer is cold over in that Graham slough! Take care and we hope you can visit soon.
