Monday, January 25, 2010

Political Races Are Often a Giant Tapdance Thru..

I Was Polling Great, Then .......... KABOOM !!!!

We've said this before, and it sure came true this week, didn't it? Very often in political races, especially with many candidates, it's a test of being able to just survive, rather than to prosper....

As we can attest, running for office is not an easy task. We've stepped on a giant landmine once or twice in our days. When you do that, there is not much else you can do, but either hope no one is watching ........... or , you can congratulate the other candidates, and fall by the wayside. I'm not suggesting which step Andre Bauer should take after his verbal guffaw, becuase more often than not, that choice is made for you....

Nope, most of the time, political races are wars of attrition, and the one who just doesn't happen to do anything stupid makes it to the end. In the Governor's race, Henry McMaster, Nikki Haley and Gresham Barrett haven't done a lot to break away from the pack, but with four months to go, who really wants to make a move now? Ask Martha Coakley....

It's like a Vebus Fly Trap: you're at a function, and you want to say something to stand out - to break away from the crowd, and make something happen. I hate to say it, but the truth is most people aren't watching to see a solid speech - they are there for the bloodsport of having seen a candidate implode before their very eyes... I've seen it - and done it - myself. It ain't pretty, and that's why the smart choice has been to say, and do , nothing.....



  1. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Mike--you had an uphill battle against superior odds. Andre on the other hand simply opened mouth and inserted his foot, all the way up to his ****...

  2. Anonymous12:25 PM

    "superior odds" oh the irony of that idea, given the race in question.

  3. Florence really showed up for McMaster.
