Sunday, January 10, 2010

SC6 Fake News: Blogger Offers to Debate Congressman - With One Condition...

Clyburn Not Expected to Accept Offer ....

In a half-hearted attempt to raise the social discourse between the Democrats and Republicans, SC6 Blogger Mike Reino put forth a challenge/offer to 6th District Congressman James Clyburn's office to debate the House Majority Whip on the issues affecting the district that cover the Pee Dee and Lowcountry. However, Reino did put one stipulation for a not-so-subtle way of jabbing at Clyburn......

Reino will only debate Clyburn if he is allowed to wear an 'I'm With Stupid' T-shirt at the event. To avoid any failure to begrudge Clyburn, he also stated that Clyburn must sit to the right of Reino, and that the camera be focused to show both candidates from the midsection up.

Clyburn's camp has not officially accepted or rejected the offer, but a staffer speaking on the condition of anonymity, suggested that the SC6 blogger wear a different T-shirt to the event....

Sneaky.......... Very Sneaky.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Mike-the problem with debating Jimbo is first he has to find the 6th district. You may want to send him a compass, a map and the link to Google Earth. Otherwise he will get lost and wind up in the upstate again...teg
