Sunday, January 03, 2010

The SCGOP Works For All Candidates, Right?

BTB Work By SCGOP Employees Has Us Wondering .....

I got an interesting (read: stupid) comment yesterday, stating that I and a County GOP Chairman must be drinking a certain sugar-sweetened fruity beverage for kids because we don't take sides in contested GOP races... For the record, and anyone who has read this blog knows, I have only openly pushed for one candidate, which was in the 2008 Presidential Election. No one in SC gets hurt by that, which is the JOB of anyone who holds an office in the party - at least in my opinion. Doing otherwise only creates undue friction inside the party. It's not drinking the Kool-Aid, it's being a good party worker. Besides, I have criticized plenty of Republicans along the way.....

After reading this, I was trolling around, and I read an article by someone analyzing the various races. As usual, it was pretty obvious who he was trying to hype. Two things first off: If you are a 'Communications Director' for a Congressional campaign, please use correct grammar, and avoid using run-on sentences and ending sentences with split infinitives! You only make yourself and your candidate look like an amateur....

Now, onto business... In it he mentioned candidates hiring people that are elected officials inside the SCGOP. While I don't blame the candidate, we think this is a HUGE no-no for the people in the party.... Let's say you drop $3500 of your own cash to run for Congress, only to find out that your opponent is getting help from someone who has access to all of the State Party's information and resources? How would you feel? I'd feel like I just got jobbed... Of course, I was running against Gary McLeod, so I didn't have that problem, but some people running this year do..

It's simple. If you hold an office in the party, you work for ALL the candidates. If the only source of income you have is in politics, then your choice is simpler - give up your gig in the party. Lots of us have influence over other party members, although I pity the moron who votes for a candidate because I said so..... But, with the power comes responsibility to use it wisely. If it's abused, then maybe someone else should have it...



  1. Said nicely

  2. Who's the Communication Director in question?

  3. It is all good.

  4. Anonymous11:27 PM


  5. Anonymous2:14 PM

    You mean the SCGOP that has handpicked Mick Zais isn't working for all the candidates? I can't believe that!

  6. What the SCGOP hand picked a candidate

  7. Depends on who you listen to, Moye.

  8. What article did you read that in?
