Monday, February 15, 2010

For a Job That 'No One Cares About', These Guys Sure Are Working Hard For It..

Ard and Connor Break Out the Bigger Artillery This Week....
This year, we've heard over and over how unimportant the Lt. Governor position is. Well, it IS important - just ask David Paterson, Rod Blagojevich, Kirsten Gillibrand, Elliot Spitzer, James McGreevey and Roland Burris if it matters.... While we joke about how impotent the VP spot is, the truth is that Governors go down with a lot more regularity. Mark Sanford was a rare case of not quite enough to have to quit. Give Ken Ard and Bill Connor some credit: they are probably the two hardest working guys out there in the statewide races....
The battle between the two camps - and their mostly anonymous commenters on the blogs - ahs been the most interesting race this year. This week, they played another game of one-upmanship. Connor broke out his first television commercial before the Daytona 500 in the major markets in South Carolina. No Florence, you didn't get one.... This is the second time Connor has slipped a well-placed ad before a highly watched TV event. The first one kind of escapes me, but I'm sure Joshua Gross would be glad to tell us what it was.... ;)
No to be outdone or left flatfooted, Team Ard released a list of 26 endorsees from the South Carolina legislature, along with an expanded Finance Team that includes heavy hitters like Egerton Burroughs, Joe and Michael Edens, and Stephen Imbeau and Conyers O'Bryan of Florence. I've been to a couple fundraisers at Dr. Imbeau's, and he throws a good party! Of course, I couldn't scrape up a dime, but hey......
Yep, despite all the complaining of the lack of importance of the Guv Lite's job, Connor and Ard are working full bore to be the Republican nominee. Now, we leave it to those anonymous commenters to cut them both down to pieces...... Ready, GO !!!!!


  1. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Ken Ard must care an awful lot about this race because he has some serious momentum! Governor David Beasley as Campaign Chairman, an amazing finance team that Gubernatorial candidates would kill for, and a list of House members that back him- if that doesn't say the right man for the job... Ard will be a great Lt. Governor!

  2. ScoreKeeper11:26 PM

    If you're keeping score, add one more to the Ard column: he won the straw poll tonight at the Anderson GOP Lt Governor debate. Guess he's convinced the Anderson GOPers that he's the right man for the job- however important you think that job is.

  3. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Ken Ard's really picking up momentum, that was a very impressive list of legislative supporters. I look forward to seeing Connor's response (if any) and where this race will lead.

  4. Good race between two good guys. Now the Ad Bill ran was nice if he was running for Adjutant General. I call them as I see them of course. He and Katherine Jennrette should be running against Livingston and Allen for that job.

  5. It's Pamplico versus Orangeburg! Steel cage, Texas death match style! Ken has been trained in the Hyman art of self-defense (commonly referred to as the Browning A-5), while Bill has been trained to kill a man with his bare hands. I say you put it on PPV. The winner gets to lock McMaster in a Sex Dungeon and shove that bicycle built for two right up Andre's #$%. I'd pay $14.99 to watch that.

  6. Finally, a comment close to the one I was looking for. I think the Pro-Connor people stopped reading my blog after they were convinced Ard was paying me....

  7. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Mike-the Ard/Connor race is starting to look a lot like an old Tyson/Hitman Hearns fight from a few years ago. Remember how that turned out? A 97 second first round beat down, so now comes the question: who's Tyson? Ken or Bill?...teg

  8. Not to nitpick, but Tyson and Hearns never fought. Tyson was a heavyweight, The Motor City Cobra was a welterweight, and probably ten years older. Maybe Leonard/Hearns or Michael Spinks/Tyson is what you meant. Neither is Tyson....
