Sunday, February 21, 2010

It's Our Olympics Edition of Fuzzy Thoughts ...

Lindsay Vonn Gets the Gold Medal in HOTT With Us ...
For starters, we'd like to apologize to our readers... We've been taking a bit of a tumble in the rankings on BlogNetNews, and for good reason. We really haven't been putting out a ton of posts recently, and where we once were a Top Ten mainstay, even cracking Top Five at times, we dropped to Number 18 this week. In all honesty, we're focused on other things right now. We're doing everything we can to insure that 2010 is a turnaround year, and so far, it's going great. Truth is , there are more important things than who our next Governor, Lt. Governor or Congressman are going to be. We're true Republicans here, and the fact is you (and I), can do more to turn your life around than anyone in office. Being too busy to blog everyday is probably the best thing that's happened to me in ten years.....
Anyway, onto our musings this week...... We're halfway thru the Olympics, and I've watched about ten minutes of it. All we know is Lindsay Vonn is way hotter than Picabo Street was, Anton Apolo Ohno is still gay, and there's a Russian Ice dancer (female) that I'd like to get to know... The place I caught this action? My old drummer Brian's bar, where I was catching up with an old friend from the beach. Hadn't seen Julie in 15 years, but she looked pretty good, and didn't leave, so i'd say it was a success..... Wouldn't quite call it a date, though.......
So, the rumor that Richard Eckstrom is dating Kelly Payne is true. Big deal... Yeah, he's a bit older, and he shouldn't be e-mailing her on company time. Except for that, what's the problem, aside from her not dating me? Sure I'm jealous......One side tells me that Will Folks saw it as a good opportunity to take out Echstrom, who is probably Mark Sanford's closest ally in Columbia. The other side is pretty quiet on the matter......P-Luv at has a nice post on Florence's work on cleaning up all the abandoned and unkept lots and houses in the city. Yeah, Stephen Wukela is a Democrat, but he's pretty much done what he promised, which is more than most politicians can say......
Speaking of that, Tiger Woods finally did a Mea Culpa in front of TV cameras to clean up his image. No, he doesn't owe me anything personally, so who cares if he was sincere enough or not? One thing I'll give him credit for - he didn't call any of his ho's his 'Soul Mate'........ Here in New York, they moved my favorite Sunday morning political show, 'Fox News Sunday' to 10:00AM. Too bad I caught it at about 10:52 ....... Honestly, I could skip the bullshit from the politicians, and just listen to the panel. FNS probably does have the most even panel on Sunday. I watched Rachel Maddow and David Gregory on Face the Nation last week, and I thought I'd puke....
SC6 weather report: Sunny today, and a high of 44..... The ground is still covered in snow, but some spots are beginning to melt away. I think by Tuesday, we'll be able to see grass again........ Signs of an improving economy: the mall was PACKED yesterday, thanks to tax return season, and an appearance by some girl signing autographs who I had NO IDEA who she was. People were lined up for about 300 feet, but I could have walked to her table unobstructed with ease... Morons. I finally got to ditch my fat clothes after buying new jeans, shoes, shirts and - not that anyone wants to know - boxer briefs. Gotta keep the guys in check....


  1. I thought the Eckstrom-Payne emails were yet another example of a startling trait in Republican sexcapades: the use of Scripture to try to explain yourself to your lover. I had no idea one could use the Good book to get the goods. Who knew?

  2. My Scripture knowledge is pretty rusty, but I remember there being one talking about women's breasts and stuff......must have forgotten the highlighter that day.

  3. That's good, good luck to you.

  4. west_rhino2:36 PM

    Last I heard, neither of you were old enough to read Song of Solomon...
