Wednesday, February 24, 2010

SC6 Remembers Big Tony ...

Tony Paolucci - The Best Scoutmaster There Ever Was ...

As I had said earlier this week, I haven't been all that enthused about blogging or discussing politics. Even for me, it gets boring... Other things have also kept me away from the laptop. Yesterday, it was to attend the funeral of Anthony Paolucci, the only Scoutmaster I had growing up. We always called him Mr. Paolucci (pronounced puh-LOO-chy) in person, but away from him, he was always Big Tony. He passed away this weekend at the age of 69, after battling cancer for years.

Scoutmasters have sometimes gotten the reputation as being a half-step above a Catholic Priest, but the truth is that Scoutmasters are one of the most influential people there are in a kid's life. Big Tony was my leader in Webelos, and then in Boy Scouts, because his son Michael was the same age as me. Basically, he watched over me from when I was 11 until I quit at 16. Those are some major formative years. Big Tony and the other leaders taught me how to build a fire, fish, camp, do CPR, live in the wild, do Morse Code and cook a hamburger without a frying pan. If I ever got lost, I would have had it made. They also helped me overcome my fear of the water, and earn my Half-Mile Swim card.

Here are some of my best memories of Big Tony: He had a loud, booming voice that could scare the crap out of you. He was obsessed with having the cleanest camp every year at Camp Wakpominee - and we never let him down. He would argue with Michael endlessly, and Mike would always go 'AW, COME ON, DAD !!' in his thick, NY accent. It was hilarious.... When I cut my left index finger open with a bowsaw (klutz), Big Tony took me to the hospital. We waited so long, it healed itself, but I do remember us reeking of campfire smoke in the waiting room - and we got to spend hours just bullshitting. I also remember him being a big hugger, which was not something my dad did often. Big Tony gave out hugs like Thank You's....

Maybe for some of you guys, things like camping and fishing seem ordinary, but in my neighborhood, Dads were either working menial labor jobs, or they weren't there at all... That was the beauty of Scouting, and we never realized it at the time, but we do now, as evidenced by the two days of endless visitors at Big Tony's wake. In that small neighborhood of ours, there are probably 100 guys now in their late 30's to mid 40's who owe a lot to Tony Paolucci. He gave a lot of his time for us, and there are thousands of guys like him every day who do the same. Hopefully, I've paid tribute to him in a fitting way today. Thanks, Mr. Paolucci - God Bless You....



  1. Nice post, Reino.

  2. Anonymous9:59 AM

    Very good Mike, and as a Eagle scout let me add a thank to Mr. Paolucci for his time and service. If we had more involved dads like him, we might not be in the fix we find our country in now...teg
