Friday, February 05, 2010

Those Disney Channel Kids Just Can't Grow Up Fast Enough, Can They?

For a channel aimed at tweeners, the kids on some of the shows on The Disney Channel sure seem in a rush to grow up and spend all those Mickey Dollars. Today, word broke out that Tiffany Thornton, co-star of the Demi Lovato vehicle, 'Sunny With a Chance', has become engaged to her boyfriend. OK screenwriters, try writing THAT into the show....

We'll cut Tiff a little slack, because she is 23, but compared to her fellow Disney bro's and sis's, she is WAAAAAYYYY behind the times. In other words, 'UGH!!!! Like, getting engaged is SOOOOOOO 2008 !' Need proof? Well, Kevin Jonas (Jonas Brother #1) got married a month or so ago at the ripe old age of 22.... This was preceeded by the news that Miley Cyrus told daddy Billy Ray that her boyfriend was moving in the house with them, or she was moving out. BTW, she's all of 17 - good job of laying down the law, Achy Breaky Daddy. Before that, we all remember Britney Spears little sister getting knocked up at 16, and Zack and Cody's raging Crack addictions before they reached puberty. OK, I made the last one up....

No, we'd rather see these kids NOT make dumb mistakes, but I guess that's what the teens and early 20's are for. Sadder still is the fact that I didn't have to research one bit for this blog post - I actually KNOW all of this useless crap!


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