Monday, March 15, 2010

Does Obama Have a Girlfriend In Ohio ?

No, we don't examine things the same way as other bloggers do sometimes... Today was a perfect example. While everyone was talking about Barack Obama's road trip to make a final push on Health Care - with Jim Clyburn and John Spratt taking center stage in the push to add another billion dollars to the National Debt, we had another question: what the hell is it with Obama and Ohio?
Seriously, every time the shit hits the fan, Obama hops into Air Force One, and goes to Ohio. Need to talk Health Care? It's off to Ohio. Need to show a Stimulus initiative that produced 35 jobs? There's one in Columbus... Need to catch a game of hoops? Hey, let's rekindle that bromance with LeBron James in Cleveland. Okay, I made the last one up. Obama has an Ohio Jones like Bush 41 had for Kennebunkport, or Bush 43 had for Crawford. If he's looking for a spot to showcase how shitty things are, South Carolina is qualifying pretty well, don't you think? Oh yeah - Red State. Nevermind....
So, what is it about the state that's Hi in the Middle, and Round on both ends? Can only be one of two things: Obama's got a shorty there ............ or it the Buckeye Candy. Either way, he must be trying to get away from the wife for a bit - you can't be downing Chocolate-covered Peanut Butter when the Old Lady's in charge of skinnying America's kids up......

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