Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fuzzy Thoughts - The $5 Car Wash Edition ....

The Avalon Is Stylin' and Ready For the Trip Home .....

Hope you're enjoying your Sunday morning. We're starting our preparation for the trip to South Carolina on Thursday, much like OJ Simpson goes into 'Rush Mode' when he packs for killing his wife..... I mean, taking the Red Eye to Chicago. The best thing this week was the weather. Spring has finally sprung here in Long Island. Sunny and highs in the mid-60's all week. Unfortunately, it's gonna drop a bit tomorrow. So, what do you do when it gets nice out? You wash your car.....

Seriously, the last time I washed my car at home was October. That's why car washes never go out of business here - you can't wash your car for six months out of the year, so you pay $18 to have a Mexican do it for you... Anyway, here are my latest musings: It's not 100% concrete yet, but my intinerary is this.....

Thursday: Drive 4AM- 3PM. Cat nap. 5-6:00PM Florence County GOP Meeting. 6-8:00PM Ken Ard fundraiser. 8:00PM- ???? Creek Ratz.

Friday: Drop car at Toyota, work on yard all day. You name it, I'm doing it. Friday night - no idea, but something will come up.

Saturday: Day two of work, replacing storm door as well. Might go out shortly on Saturday night, but I doubt it....

Elsewhere, after blowing about $500 on new clothes, I finally got to go out last night with a couple friends, where an old lady with a face like a baseball mitt called me gay. Then she drove off in her SmartCar.... However, at Bar No. 2, I did get another girl's phone number without asking for it. She must like gay guys.... At the end, I got hungry and decided to get White Castles. Bad Idea - they don't call them Belly Bombers for nothing.....

Thursday's meeting in Flotown should be interesting for me. I spent all last week ticking people locally off for being right, to the point where even when I gave compliments, people misconstrued them. Such is life..... I see they are going elsewhere to get their news out on other blogs now, which is fine. My advice is don't believe everything you hear, and beware of the hand that feeds you....

So, the House is likely going to pass the Health Care bill today. I watched the coverage on Fox News Today, and it was a nice but cordial battle between two of the sharper young minds in the House: Debbie Wasserman-Schultz(D-FL), and Paul Ryan (R-WI). I feel bad for Wasserman-Schultz sometimes for having to peddle Nancy Pelosi's bullshit, but she did reasonably well, and was honest enough to admit that tax will go up to pay for it. Yeah, her mouth reminds me of a bass I once caught, but she overcame Cancer, so I'll cut her a little slack......

Question: since the House is voting on a Sunday, do we have to pay them double time???? The best line on Fox's panel was by Brit Hume 'The Democrats are obsessing about with Health Care over the Economy much like Captain Ahab.' Moby Dick, people - read sometimes, will ya - and not just blogs and TMZ.....

Lastly, there are a lot of events going on in SC politics soon, and we'll give you a rundown on what we know about soon. BTW, somehow our little blog that no one reads jumped up to Number Six on Blog Net News, when you take out the fact that Sunlit Uplands is on there twice. We're just behind Palmetto Scoop and ahead of Waldo Lydecker's Journal - all heavyweights whether you like them or not. Hey, we did have a good week, and we sure did exert our influence - even if others didn't like it..... See you Thursday!



  1. Travel Safe.

  2. Will do, Moye. BTW, I meant to tell everyone that your Mom is recovering nicely from all reports. Definitely good news... You Grahams are TOUGH!

  3. you get that exhaust fixed yet? have a safe drive down.
