Saturday, March 06, 2010

Fuzzy Thoughts - The Shellfish Allergy Edition

Looks Like I Won't Be Eating This Ever Again .....
It's been an interesting day. Until today, the only things I thought I was allergic to were Fire Ants and Amoxycillin. Looks like I need to add shellfish to it as well... I bought some Glucosamine for my joints, and even though I got kind of congested after eating some seafood on Sunday (I ate the same thing Saturday night and I was fine), I kind of took my chances with ignoring the shellfish allergy warning on the bottle, and I took one. I've spent the past ten hours now popping Benadryl and sleeping it off, because my throat closed up pretty well. It still feels like I swallowed a box of nails, but I'm better. Forgive me for being a bit extra fuzzy from the Benadryl, but hey - it might make me funnier.
First, the weather update: Sunny today, and it cracked 50 for the first time since October I think.... Too bad I couldn't go out, right? I went to get a haircut and buy stuff at the drug store (apparently to try and accidentally kill myself) , but first we got breakfast. After much thought, I had decided that 54 cents is the perfect amount of change to carry when paying cash. So, I got breakfast, and what was the total? $4.55 ..............................
Like mother, like daughter: Carol, Sarah and I took a late-night shopping trip to Kohl's, and the better part of my time was spent putting all the crap the two of them decided they weren't getting back in the proper place. No worries - I will break them of this.......I see the Giants signed Antrel Rolle. Only ten more defensive players to go. Julius Peppers finally got out of Carolina, and Jake Delhomme was cut, eh? Hopefully that post I did on Jake being a waste of $8 million wasn't the reason why, but apparently someone in Charlotte agreed with me. BTW, there's a new job opening at Bojangles........
The latest big fight is the Pee Dee is over .............. a statue? Yes, $100,000 over a piece of marble or concrete is not exactly a wise investment in these tough times, but can we just resolve the issue, and not go to war with each other over it? Another one bites the dust: Dwight Drake gave up his run for Governor. He cited poor fundraising, but I heard he failed the test where a candidate must have an opposable thumb.... I STILL think he looks like Tommy Lee Jones ugly brother, but we'll miss him.
Lastly, it lloks like we have a date cemented for my return to the Pee Dee. Thursday, April 1st looks like the day, so I'll see you guys at Creek Ratz that Friday night for Cheesesteak Wraps and Rolling Rocks !!! P-Luv, call ahead and make sure they sell Abita Purple Haze - I still owe you one.


  1. April Fools??? Come on, Reino...don't play us.

  2. Anonymous4:27 PM

    Mike-Looks like the Horsemen may ride again!!! Wooooooo! I'll be calling Moye and Earl so we can meet up at D&H for some Q...teg

  3. No P-Luv, i have some bidness to take care of, and it appears that will be the date.. no fooling!

  4. April Fools day

  5. Shellfish protein can become airborne in the steam released during cooking and may be a risk. I've had seafood allergy since I was little girl.
