Friday, March 19, 2010

I've Had My Fill Of Cancer This Week ....

A lot of you guys might think that I piss and moan all the time, but generally speaking, i'm a pretty happy guy - at least lately. Like the adage goes, 'If you think you have it bad, there's always someone who has it worse.' Most of the time, I have to look pretty far to find it. Unfortunately this week, it's all too easy to find examples....
For those of you who are tight in the Republican circles, or a fan of SC6, you know Moye. He's probably my tightest ally in the GOP. He worked for my campaign when almost no one would help, and I've always remembered. It also makes it easy when you see eye to eye on just about everything politically.... Moye has had a very tough week as he helps his Mom battle Cervical Cancer. She's 90 I believe, and they ended up performing a hysterectomy to remove the tumor, but she had some serious complications that actually caused her heart to stop. She came back, but she is in Columbia in CCU. Our best wishes for a full recovery.....
The other one is a little closer distancewise, but close in friendship nonetheless. A very tight friend of mine has inoperable breast cancer that was so aggressive, what was unseeable two months ago is now larger than a grapefruit in her chest, lung and spinal column. The first opinion gave her 3 weeks to 3 months, but we're getting a second opinion to confirm the diagnosis. No one knew about this 48 hours ago, so to hear that you friend suddenly may not live thru April makes time and life more important, and more precious. By the way, she's only 40.... Yeah, i'm being very vague, because she wnats to keep everything as private as possible. None of you know her, and no one in NY reads the blog, so it should be okay.......
Like I said, I've had my fill of Cancer for one week. But, I finally found a topic that Democrats and Republicans can agree on - although it would probably segue into an ugly Health Care debate in the end. We'll just avoid that for a day. Everyone join me.... Cancer Sucks. Fuck Cancer.......


  1. You hit the nail on the head Mike. Thanks for the support.

  2. No problem Moye. Keep your chin up, and tell Mom we want her around at least another 10 years....

  3. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Mike-as a cancer survivor, I can promise you its no trip to Disneyland. Tell your friend we will keep her in our prayers...and let us all keep Moye, his mom and his family in our prayers...teg
