Thursday, March 04, 2010

SC6 Retro Comedy Clip: Basketball Jones

Don't ask what reminds me of things sometimes, but today, I was thinking of Cheech and Chong's song , 'Basketball Jones'. It's a Jimi Hendrix-type anthem about local superstar, H. Rap Brown High School sensation, Tyrone Shoelaces.... Until today, I didn't know they actually made a cartoon of Basketball Jones. Back in the 70's, we'd listen to Cheech & Chong in the basement. Yeah, I was about six or seven, and I listened to Pot Smoking Comedy 8-tracks. If you want to pinpoint where I went off the path, that might be it.....
They cut out the bets part - the interview with Tyrone and his coach before their game with the East Westchester North Stars, champions of the Southern Conference... It includes perhaps the funniest thing I have ever heard...
REPORTER: So Coach, lets talk about your record....
COACH: What the hell you wanna talk about my record for? Man, I DONE MY TIME..... I PAID MY DEBT TO SOCIETY !!!!! How the hell I know she was 13 - she looked 15 anyway.....

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