Monday, March 22, 2010

Since We Can't Change Votes Today, We'll Do This For Fun Instead ....

Go Ahead and Play Pin the Tag on the Donkey .....

Now that Jim Clyburn has been able to help people pursue their 'fundamental right' - along with some real nice extras for SC State - we have no other recourse but to fight fire with childish namecalling. No, we don't throw N-bombs around here, but we have no problem with calling people liars and pimps. Since there is little we can do today to change anything (you'll have to wait til November), we invite you to tag the above photo with the wittiest line you can think of. Keep in ind, we DO have comment moderation now. Here is our entry, which P-Luv (who we know is sitting with his feet up on his desk, smoking a stogie and laughing like Tony Montana right now) gave us inspiration for..... It's funniest when you use a burly Russian accent....

'Ha, Constitution.... I crush you like LITTLE GRAPE !!!!! I laugh at you forefathers and urinate on you crinkly document under glass in Capitol. HAHAHAHA !!!!!!'

I would love to have The Whipper in a Civics class one day, where he can explain every American's right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of free Health Care....



  1.'re number flat!

  2. I will pinch every bit of blood from you....drop by drop by drop.
