Sunday, April 25, 2010

Andre Bauer Must Not Have Friends at AP...

Lt. Gov. Describes the Amount of Respect in Today AP Article ....

Anytime we get news from South Carolina up here in Yankeeville, we try to let you know. No, it's rarely good news. South Carolina - which is usually known as that place halfway to Florida - is looked down as rednecky, and all those other things New Yorkers know nothing about. That is, until it's time to retire and buy some oceanfront property so you have a nice view when you die.... Then again, no one down there gives a rat's ass what Yankees think , right? So it all works out - but we like the game despite it all....

Anywho, the news from South Carolina that made it all the way to Page 24 was an AP article noting Lt. Governor Andre Bauer's latest non-apologist stance on what's wrong with South Carolina. Like Bauer's previous eyebrow-turning comment, what he actually said and how it looks in paper don't quite equal out - and the AP didn't even seem to go out of it's way to give Bauer any credit. The title of the article? "SC Lawmaker: 'Lazy' People cause of immigration problem." Now, if it were me, the thing that would tick me off is the term 'lawmaker'. Hey, I'm the Guv Lite here, people!!! 'Lt. Gov.' takes up less space than 'lawmaker', so that's not the reason. To us, it's just a jab to marginalize Bauer.

Of course, the real question is what he said, which unfortunately was the truth. The problem with telling the truth is that the people who used to be the ones picking the vege's are mostly black, so the chances of some people (not normal people) viewing that as a veiled prejudiced statement are pretty good. I'm sure you've read it all already, which is why it's not printed here, but even though it doesn't need a 'what I meant was' rebuttal, there will be plenty of people more than glad to use it against Andre.

The clear point is that Bauer is digging himself in as the 'straight shooter'. The problem is, most people like to blame bad things on other people or places - especially South Carolina. Bauer is betting that being brutally honest will get him to nose out Gresham Barrett in the Primary and possibly beat Henry McMaster in the runoff. Our guess is that it has more risk than reward, and it may cost him second place, but that what's you have to do when you're in Third Place. What do you say when you're in the lead? Ask Henry McMaster......

"You'll never hear me criticize of, complain about, or be anything but proud of the people of this State." Must be nice to be leading... for now.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Ladies and gentlemen, the next Governor of the state of South Carolina...Henry Dargan McMaster!...
