Saturday, April 17, 2010

Fuzzy Thoughts: The Back to Work Edition

At first glance, I thought this was a picture of Sandra Bullock sitiing in front of all her legal papers from her impending divorce. We both went to East Carolina, but I found out that she left her Senior year, which was my frosh year, so we never crossed paths. That explains why I never saw her on the Quad.... Anyway, this week's big news is that I finally started working again. I'll be blunt here: this does not bode well for the blog. With the commute, I waste 13 hours a day on the job, whcih leaves me about 2 hours after dinner to do anything, and there's more important stuff than blogging: Friends, resting, family, and a renewed attempt to find the newest Ms. X - unless she actually WANTS her name mentioned...This may become a two day a week thing maximum, but we'll worry about that later. Onto the news.....
Today's weather? Kinda miserable: cool and on/off rain - maybe 50 degrees today, but the trees are starting to bloom. Work is pretty good so far. The customers are the same, but the people I work with (which is why I leave 90% of the time) are more friendly, professional and fun than other places. Spent the night after work with about ten of them at the bar. One of them I am quite smitten with, and a couple others are workable, but I doubt anything will come of it...
P-Luv tells me that Ed Robinson is still shooting his mouth off. My suggestion is to do a couple Serenity Prayers, then prepare to kick his ass in June. Pigs oink, ducks quack, and Ed cries racism at every turn. He may 'have a problem' with Mayor Hickory Head, but his own problems are a lot worse - and real...
Tea Party Day came and went......... and your taxes are still too high! I like the whole rallying-type thing for show, but I'll be more excited around Election Day. Our post on the Primary Day Odds was a total success - 31 posts, which was our highest since the Sonia Sotomayor Slam-a-Thon. We even had a couple candidates comment. The opinion was generally that I was spot on - as usual. What else would you expect? Speaking of Election Day, I got a call from the Florence GOP, asking me to volunteer a day at the Headquarters. Funny, the kid calling me was one who ragged on me on Facebook a month ago. Everyone knows I'm out of town. Maybe this kid was on Auto Pilot. See, there is no test for being a volunteer.....
Today's 'Yes, You Are On Long Island Moment': I'm at KFC, and this girl walks in.... It's 50 degrees, raining, the Sun is nowhere to be seen ..... and she's wearing Sunglasses - inside! No, not the ones they make you wear after the Glaucoma Test. The huge, JAP-y ones that your girlfriend adopted last year, but they've been wearing for decades here...
I read that OJ Simpson is having a pretty nice time in jail. He's even made friends with the local gay inmates. Word is, they call him 'Papa OJ'. OJ hanging with The Sisters reminds me of Goldmine in 'Life'....'Hey OJ, is you gonna eat Yo' Cornbread ????' Wonder how the search to find the real killers is going anyway. OJ kills two people, and they all love him. Bernie Madoff bilks a bunch of people their money, and he's constantly getting his ass kicked in the joint - this is Justice, I guess....


  1. Aren't you from New York City? Will there be consequences and repercussions if I eat your cornbread.

  2. You GD right I'm from NYC, GD it!! You can't have my MF'ing Cornbread !!!!!
