Monday, April 05, 2010

Jesse and Tiger Are Wondering Why This Wasn't Invented Sooner ....

So, you're a famous sports personality or a TV celeb - you have everything a guy could want. Cars, fame, money, all the perks a man needs - even chicks lined up from here to Waco. Only problems are 1) YOU'RE MARRIED, and 2) Your girlfrined will undoubtedly sell her proof of your affair to TMZ or The Enquirer. Aside from wearing a condom and taking it home, a guy is basically screwed when it comes to covering up the e-trail, right? WRONG !!!
There's a new app on I-Phone, ironically called TigerText (or CougarText if you're a girl, I guess). Much like a message on Mission Impossible, the text message self-destructs in as little as 1 minute. Unless your girlfriend is living upstairs at your house (hint: avoid banging the Nanny), it would be pretty foolproof. OK, just to be safe, make sure she lives at least two houses away.....
They swear that the name TigerText has nothing to do with Tiger Woods, but we'll leave that up to you. For those of you who pimp with a Blackberry, there is good news. A TigerText app will be available soon for you too. We can't wait to try it out. Now, if we could just find a girl first........

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