Saturday, May 01, 2010

Fuzzy Thoughts: Spring has Spranged ??

Mike Pelfrey and The Mets: The Toast of the Big Apple ?

Happy Saturday, and here we are, as promised.... The campaigns are getting into full swing - at least if you judge it by the number of calls on my cellphone from the 803 area code. Note to the campaigns - I don't know ANYONE in Columbia, and we both like it that way. Another sign of Spring? How about warmer weather? Yes, Spring takes a but longer to hatch up here, but I think we finally made it there...

We'll start our Fuzzy Thoughts out with just that. After a cold and rainy spell, we cracked close to 80 today, along with a ton of Sun, and even a slight breeze. In short, PERFECT.... Now begins the period where you all bitch about the heat and hunidity, and I bask in tolerable weather for the next six months. HAHAHAHAHA !!!!! God knows it took long enough to get here.

Of course, better weather means Baseball, and the Yanks are off to a great start: 15-7, although 1 1/2 games back of Tampa Bay. But who is getting all the headlines up here? The Mets, and their 14-9 start due to an 8-game winning streak. Here's how the Yankees and Mets compare: The Yankees are the good-looking guy that gets all A's, drives the nice car, and picks up Supermodels like buying a pack of cigarettes... The Amazin's are the geeky, slightly chubby doofus who every once in a while picks up the hottie at the club, despite the fact that he drives her around in a Prius.... Congrats to the Mets for a good start - now keep it up.

Last night, we had a sort of mini-reunion of old High School friends. I went, but I forgot something - I didn't know any of them. No problem, it wasn't a total loss - I discovered Samuel Adams Cherry Wheat. YUMMY... a flavorful but not overwhelming start, followed 2 seconds later by a sweet cherry finish. It made me wish I started with those, instead of the local Blue Point Brews ... Also, the 'Fuck Cancer' t-shirt made it's debut. It was a bit tough to read, but most people liked it - although who's going to argue with it. It's not like it said 'I HEART AL-QAIDA' on it.....

I've been watching the impending natural disaster going on in Louisiana, as 200,000 gallons of crude blow out of the destroyed well and into the Gulf of Mexico.... I have a solution to stop it - get Moye Graham down there. The man can fix anything, and it's kind of his real job.... Moye, time to put the Superman cape on, and get to it!!! Meanwhile, I guess this means we won't have any paltforms going up off of Myrtle Beach anytime soon. Truth is, this is way worse than Exxon Valdez, because it's not a tanker with a hole in it - it's the Earth with a hole in it.....

Stay tuned tomorrow.... we have some big news in SC politics to post on: there are some big upcoming events, and we will be putting up new odds for the statewide and congressional races in the Palmetto State. Time to get some Vitamin D, and enjoy a day off - finally!



  1. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Mike-given the results on your Derby pic earlier today,your odds on the state races should be interesting (LOL) the way our Braves will finish ahead of your Mutts at season's end...teg

  2. I thought about Super Saver, but since Borel won last year, I didn't... whoops!

  3. I am heading to New Orleans tomorrow.

  4. It's safe to say that this might be the most important trip you've ever taken for America...

    I have friends who think this spill may cause irreparable damage to the Gulf. I have faith in 1) the Earth's ability to heal itself, and 2) guys like you to fix the leak.

    Go get em, buddy !!!!
